Woman Adopts A Wild Horse

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Desensitization level maximum!

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Baborówko Horse Sale Show 2018 trailer

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Did not see that coming

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Stinna Tange Kaastrup

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Men has always had a problem letting go of things ;)

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What would you do if your horse bucked like this?

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Farm and Town Bull (1962)

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Friesian horse meets his new neighbors for the first time

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Danish Warmblood Elite Foal Auction - Netstutteriets Fazza

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9 year old girl perform horse stunt

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Konie na lotnisku

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St. Teresa's Charity Pantomime Horse Race

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Let’s go out!!!

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”No, hell no!”

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Idealny sposób na siwka?

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Horse Reining Accident

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Freestyle music, freestyle ride

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Letnie dni w stajni ;)

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